About The Every Initiative
Who We Are
We are a group of friends whose lives have been radically changed by the good news of the Gospel. We are servants of Christ who desire to see the lost of the world experience the transformation that comes in truly knowing and following Jesus. We are coming from many places, living in Europe because we believe that God has opened a door for the Gospel unique to our generation.
The Every Initiative was born out of late night, dorm-room conversations. Since then, the Lord has worked in the hearts of many to be a part of His work in Western Europe, beginning in Sweden.
Right now, The Every Initiative is made up of long-term staff, interns, and locals pioneering ministries in two cities in Sweden: Örebro and Gothenburg. We pray that God will continue to raise up laborers so that TEI can send healthy teams across Western Europe.
Co-laboring with the local church to bring the Gospel to European university students and immigrants and refugees from the unreached world.
That every European and every person from the unreached world would hear the Gospel
Love the Lord
Love your Team
Learn a New World
Launch a Movement
The Strategy
University Ministry
University students are often developing worldviews and are easily mobilized towards humanitarian causes; thus, the strategy is to not only reach them with the Gospel but also involve them reaching immigrants and refugees.
Our strategy is to win, build and send among our three focus demographics in a way where growth in one area results in growth in the other two as well. This becomes one ecosystem of ministry with three interrelated focus areas:
Immigrant & Refugee Ministry
Though generally coming from unreached parts of the world, immigrants and refugees in Europe have been surprisingly responsive to the Gospel. We pray that they would continue to hear, respond to, and proclaim the good news to both unreached people and Europeans, bringing renewed life to local churches.
Church Partnership
These two facets of the strategy cannot be sustained long-term without the involvement of local churches – to co-labor with Cru in both student ministry and immigrant and refugee outreach, fueling the involvement of nationals and providing fellowship for both unreached people and European university students.
So much of our ministry happens as people from different backgrounds gather around the table in our homes, at refugee centers, and at our outreaches like Conversation Cafés. Around the table, we share many things with them — food, friendship, and most importantly, the hope of the Gospel.
The TEI logo seeks to artistically represent that: the table in the center, and four different color circles, representing four different groups gathered together: students, refugees, churches, and us - the missionaries. We pray that the many “tables” in our lives and ministry would continue to be places where people gather together, encounter the true Gospel, and are strengthened in their faith.