Serve with Us
Whether you are a college student, mid-career, or retired, we’d be honored for you to consider how God might lead you to serve with us. After you’ve checked out the opportunities below to serve with us, join one of our Zoom calls to learn more!
2-Year Internships
Spend 2 years with us in Sweden, using your gifts and talents to share the Gospel. By God’s grace we will love the Lord, love our team, learn a new world, and launch movements among secular Swedish students and Muslim refugees alongside local churches.
Spring Break + Summer
Come for a week over spring break or for a month over the summer and be a part of God’s work to reconcile souls to Himself! Go with a team, share the Gospel with Swedes and refugees, and learn a new world along the way.
Join us in Sweden for 3-5 years or more, investing deeply in evangelism, discipleship, and learning the language and culture. Spend the next season of your life sharing the life-changing good news of the Gospel! For more information, fill out our connect form below.